Distribuye tu música a nivel mundial con Globex Music: la forma sencilla de resistir a millones de personas. En el panorama presente de la música digital, los artistas se enfrentan a una abrumadora variedad de plataformas de streaming y canales de distribución. Navegar por este difícil ecosistema puede ser una tarea abrumadora, pero con Globex… Read More
Ready to dominate the covers game and grow your musical audience? Then you need to know about Globix Music Distribution. This platform is a industry disruptor for anyone looking to distribute their unique takes of beloved songs. Globix makes it simple to get your music out to the world, connecting you with major streaming platforms and online s… Read More
Stevie Wonder, the musical legend, recently took to the stage for a truly unforgettable performance. The crowd was ecstatic to witness his powerful vocals and exceptional musicianship. Wonder, known for his profoundly heartfelt music, dedicated the show to joy, sharing stories that touched the hearts of every listener. He performed a mix of his … Read More
Em G Can someone pour me up a double shot of whiskey? C G D They know me and Jack Daniels acquired a background Em G Ther??s a party downtown, around 5th Street C G Em G Most people in the bar g?ttin? tipsy C G D Em G Everyone on the bar gettin? tipsy C G Every person for the bar gettin? tipsy Em G C I been Boozey given that I still left, I ain?t c… Read More